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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Mkrtchyan S.V. CONTEXT AS A CONCEPT AT THE DESIGNThe notion of "context" (contextual method, kontekstualizm) is being discussed in various fields of Arts and Sciences: in Linguistics, philosophy, psychology, history, mathematics, Informatics, physics, architecture and design. Versatile use of the term "context" is quite common in modern interdisciplinary relationship of art, natural history and human sciences; terminological and methodological interpenetration which stimulates the production of new tasks and often leads to new insights into the famous professional problems. It is not surprising that it is sometimes used a wide variety of meanings. Therefore, in consideration of the context in the environmental design is crucial to stay motivated, professional style and focus on the methodological and practical reasoning. In environmental design context has long been recognized instrument at the same time interesting and creative context: expands the boundaries of theory, practice and techniques of professional activities; It is related to all stages of design-from the birth plan based on perceptions of the environment-and up until the time when the project plan is materialized and shall be the assessment and interpretation of the various social groups. Thus, in our case the context captures at once the birth of design intent as a creative event, and interpretation of the finished project as an event of perception or exclusion. Context in design and architecture became the subject of a number of theoretical studies; quite deeply studied and described the background and contextual aspects of the period, the process of its birth, development trends and characteristics of the modern understanding of. We touch on some private, but substantial and unstudied issues associated with the specific understanding of the term "context" and its use in the design environment, the relationship of contexts and structures, the Environment Division environment contexts by types, methodological and practical applicability of contexts, etc., these issues are considered only a first approximation and require deeper study separately. The simultaneous presence of them in this article is based, above all, their interaction and interrelatedness and aims to create a preliminary theoretical positions.Key words: context, architectural design environment, border environment contexts, typing contexts, environments, external environmental contexts, the internal environment contexts.


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About this article

Author: Mkrtchyan S.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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