Vdovina A.A. INCREASING THE ROLE AND PROFILE OF WOMAN IN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF THE URAL REGION DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WARThe article analyzes the activities of public authorities, the party-political and social organizations of the Ural region during the GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR and the role of women in the task of strengthening the socio-political structure of the state.Key words: government authorities, political structure, war, emergency management agencies, the women's movement, women's councils, the agitation, the women of the Urals.
1. Association of state archives of Chelyabinsk region (OGACHO). F.288. IN.4. D.12.
2. State archive of socio-political documentation of the Kurgan region (GAOPDKO). F.166. IN.2. D.204.
3. Russian state archive of socio-political history (RGASPI). F.17. IN.43. D.2487.
4. State socio-political archive of Perm region (GOPAPO). F.958. IN.8. D.1.
5. 8. GAOPDKO. F.166. IN.1. D.275.
6. RGASPI. F.17. IN.2. D.1023.
7. Pravda. 1942. 5 March.
8. State archive of the Russian Federation (GARF). F.7928. IN.2. D.52.
9. GOPAPO. F.105. IN.1. D.131.
10. Center for documentation of public organizations of Sverdlovsk region (CDOOSO). F.4. IN.37. D.6.
11. Center of documentation of the newest history of the Orenburg region (CDNIOO). F.371. IN.5. D.24.
12. Chkalovskaya commune. 1944. 16 July.
13. CDOOSO. F.4. IN.37. D.228.
14. GAOPDKO. F.166. IN.2. D.161.
15. OGACHO. F.228. IN.8. D.26; CGAOORB. F.122. IN.22. D.17.
16. Trud. 1942. 10 April; Trud. 1944. on September 28.
17. The fiery years. Documents and materials about participation of the Komsomol in the great Patriotic war. Ed. 2. M., 1971.
18. CDNIOO. F.1697. IN.1. D.671.
19. The state archive of the Orenburg region (GAOO). F.1022. IN.1.D.210.
20. GOPAPO. F.1. IN.22.D.124.
21. GOPAPO. F.85. IN.26. D.206.
22. GOPAPO. F.85. IN.26. D.249.
23. CDOOSO. F. 166. IN.2. D. 161.
24. Central state archive of public associations of the Republic of Bashkortostan (CGAOORB). F.122. IN.22. D.17.
25. GOPAPO. F.85. IN.26. D.262.
About this article
Author: Vdovina A.A.
Year: 2014