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2013, № 5 (154)

Lapenkov D.S., Minyakova N.I., Oleynik O.V. THE ROLE AND THE PLACE OF ANGLO-AMERICANISMS AMONG THE NEOLOGISMS OF MODERN GERMANThe article deals with the problems of English and American borrowings in the modern German language. The classification of borrowings at the modern stage of the language development is given as well as the processes and sources of borrowings are spoken about. Examples given in the article show wide range of social and cultural spheres of borrowings use in modern German. Key words: anglo-americanisms, neologisms, borrowings, language development, sources of borrowings.


1. Mangushev, S. V. The natural laws of the assimilation of anglo-americanisms in the German language (on the basis press and explanatory dictionaries) : Author's extract of the dissertation for PhD degree. 10.02.04 / S. V. Mangushev. — Samara : Samara State Pedagogical University, 2002. — 15 p.

2. Mzhelskaya, O. S. New anglisisms in the Russian language / O. S. Mzhelskaya, E. I. Stepanova // New words and the dictionaries of new words. — Leningrad : Nauka publishers, 1983. — P. 125–129.

3. Pavlov, V. M. The notion of lexeme and the problem of relations of syntax and word-building / V. М. Pavlov. — Leningrad : Nauka publishers, 1985. — 300 p.

4. Rozen, Е. В. On the threshold of the XXI century. New words and word combinations in the German language // Е. В. Rozan. — Moscow : Menedzher publishers, 2000. — 192 p. — ISBN 5-8346-0079-4.

5. Romanova, М. S. The specification of anglisisms functioning in the modern German slang : Author's extract of the dissertation for PhD degree : 10.02.04 / М. S. Romanova ; Samara : Samara State Pedagogical University. — Moscow, 2001. — 180 p.

6. Rossikhina,G. N. The new Angllo-German language : the threat and the reality? / G. N. Rossikhina // Philological sciences. — 2001. — № 2. — P. 109–116.

7. Shanskiy, N. M. On the nationally marked nomination in the Russian language / N. M. Shanskiy, Т. А. Boobrova // The Russian language at school. — 1997. — № 6. — P. 79–83.

8. Guy, G. R. The sociolinguistic types of language change / G. R. Guy // Diachronica. — Hildesheim, 1999. — Vol. 7, № 1. — Р. 47–67.

9. Reihner, R. Mit gespaltener Zunge? Die deutsche Sprache nach dem Fall der Mauer / hrsg. R. Reihner, A. Baumann. — B. : Aufbau Taschenbuch Verl., 2000. — 277 s.

12. Zimmer, D. Deutsch und anders — die Sprache im Modernisierungsfieber / Dieter Zimmer. — Reinbeck bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1998. — 383 s.

14. Spiegel, Der : Das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin. — Hamburg. — 2005. — № 30. — 154 s.

15. Bunte : Illustrierte. — Offenburg / Baden. — 1998. — Heft 51. — 122 s.

About this article

Authors: Lapenkov D.S., Minyakova N.I., Oleynik O.V.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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