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2012, № 11 (147)

Belousov K.I., Zelyanskaya N.L., Baranov D.A. CONCEPTUAL AND HYPERTEXT MODEL OF CONTENT MANAGEMENT IN THE SYSTEM "SEMOGRAF"The article describes the conceptual hypertext software application of domain modeling based on the information about it represented in a corpus of texts. Building a conceptual hypertext model realizing the function of content management (text body, key words and their sets, metadata, conceptual fields, etc.), is carried out in an information system of graphosemantic modeling "Semograf".Key words: subject area, ontology, key words, grafosemantic modeling, IS "Semograf".


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6. Zelyanskaya, N.L. Cultural and semiotic trends of Russian prose of the 1850s // Siberian Journal of Philology. — 2008.– №4. — P. 40–51.

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8. Zelyanskaya, N.L. Language representation of the political component in the picture of the world in media headlines / N.L. Zelyanskaya, J.A. Nikiforova // Bulletin of the Orenburg state university. — 2011. — №11 (130). — P. 111–113.

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About this article

Authors: Belousov K.I., Zelyanskaya N.L., Baranov D.A.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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