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2012, № 2 (138)

Gabidullin I.F., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. FROM EXPERIENCE TRAINING IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT TRAINING TO CITIZENSHIP STUDENTS UB OSUThe problem of ensuring the quality of education in developed countries. An example of the basic educational program in the specialty "Quality Management" at the Ufa branch of the Orenburg State University. As an example of the results release in 2011.Key words: education, a quality management system model.


1. Yamaletdinova C.Sh., Dimitrov V.I., Gabidullin I.F., Yamaletdinova G.F., Pyhov S.I., Gimaev R.N., Yangurazova Z.A., Khakimov R.M. Models of quality management. Textbook. — Ufa: BSU, 2010. — 256 p.

2. Gabidullin I.F., Ayupov Z.Ya., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. The role of quality management of the educational process to improve students' sense of justice // VI All-Russian Scientific and Methodical Conference "Innovation and high technologies in education and the economy" (14-15 April 2010). — Ufa: BSU, 2010. — P. 196–200.

3. Gabidullin I.F., Kuznetsov Y.A., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. Implementing a quality management system in higher education as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of educational institutions // VI All-Russian Scientific and Methodical Conference "Innovation and high technologies in education and the economy" (14-15 April 2010). — Ufa: BSU, 2010. — P. 179–182.

4. Gabidullin I.F., Azizov R.A., Pyhov D.S., Pyhov S.I., Rahmanova S.T., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. Assessment of quality of education in order to align the system of university management requirements of ISO 9001:2000 // V All-Russian Scientific and Methodical Conference "Innovation and high technologies in education and the economy" (16-17 April 2009). — Ufa: RIO RUNMTS MO RB, 2009. — P. 179–182.

5. Gabidullin I.F., Azizov R.A., Pyhov D.S., Pyhov S.I., Rahmanova S.T., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. Some features of the quality management system of the university // V All-Russian Scientific and Methodical Conference "Innovation and high technologies in education and the economy" (16-17 April 2009). — Ufa: RIO RUNMTS MO RB, 2009. — P. 13–17.

6. Pyhov S.I., Gabidullin I.F., Gimaev R.N., Islamov A.M., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. Improving the quality of education with the use of ISO 9000:2000 // All-Russian Scientific and Methodical Conference "Innovation and high technologies in education and the economy" (24-25 May 2007). — Ufa: RIO RUNMTS MO RB, 2007. — P. 13–17.

About this article

Authors: Yamaletdinova K.Sh., Gabidullin I.F.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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