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2011, № 12

Zolotarjova N.V., Podgayevskaya E.N., Pustovalova L.A. NEW LOCALITIES OF THE HIGHER PLANTS RARE SPECIES IN THE SVERDLOVSK REGIONThere are new localities situated significantly farther from earlier known ones for 4 relict plant species are specified on the territory of the Middle Urals.Key words: relicts, rare plants species, new localities.


1. Vlasova N.V. Family Onagraceae Juss. // Flora of Siberia. — Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1996. — V. 10. — P. 106-120.

2. Gorchakovsky P.L. The European broad-leaved forest plants at their eastern distribution limits. — Sverdlovsk: UFAN SSSR, 1968. — 207 p.

3. Gorchakovsky P.L. Vegetable world of the high mountain Urals. — Moscow: Nauka, 1975. — 283 p.

4. Gorchakovsky P.L. Krasnoufimsk forest-steppe — botanical phenomenon of Urals foothills // Botanical journal. — 1967. — V. 52, №11. — P. 1574-1591.

5. Knyazev M.S. The addition to the flora of North and Middle Urals // Botanical investigations on the Urals: Proc. of Reg. Scientific Conf. in memory of P.L. Gorchakovsky / Editor S.А. Ovesnov — Perm, 2009. — P. 174-176.

6. Knyazev M.S., Kulikov P.V., Filippov E.G. Vicia multicaulis s.l. (Fabaceae) on the Urals // / Botanical journal. — 2002. — V. 87, №8. — P. 89-90.

7. Red Book of Perm Krai / Editor A.I. Shepel. — Perm: Knizhnyj mir, 2008. — 256 p.

8. Red Book of Russian Federation (animals and plants) / Editors U.P. Trutnev. et al. — Moscow: KMK, 2008. — 855 p.

9. Red Book of Sverdlovsk region: Animals, Plants, Fungi / Editor N. Korytin. — Yekaterinburg: Basko, 2008. — 256 p.

10. Red Book of Middle Urals (Sverdlovsk and Perm regions) / Editors V.N. Bolshakov, P.L. Gorchakovsky. — Yekaterinburg: Publisher of Urals State University, 1996. — 279 с.

11. Red Book of Chelyabinsk region: Animals, Plants, Fungi / Editor N. Korytin. — Yekaterinburg: Publisher of Urals State University, 2005. 450 p.

12. Kucherov E.V., Muldashev А.А., Galeeva А.H. Protection of rare plants species in the South Urals — Moscow, 1987. — 203 p.

13. Identification guide of the vascular plants of the Middle Urals / P.L. Gorchakovsky [et al.]. — Moscow: Nauka, 1994. — 525 p.

14. Flora and vegetation of the Urals State University biological station: textbook to summer field practice for students of biological faculty / V.А. Mukhin [et al.]. — Yekaterinburg: Publisher of Urals State University, 2003. — 132 p.

15. Tzvelev N.N. Circaea lutetiana L. // Flora of Eastern Europe — St. Petersburg: Mir i sem'ja, 1996. — V.9. — P. 316.

About this article

Authors: Podgaevskaya E.N., Zolotareva N.V., Pustovalova L.A.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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