Ermakova Е.V., Martynenko I.A. ESTIMATION OF INFLUENCE OF SEALING OF THE SOIL SURFACE ON THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN THE CITY AS AN EXAMPLE SOUTH-EAST DISTRICT OF MOSCOWSealing by asphalt coverings changes the basic thermal characteristics of the surface, causing an increase of surface air temperature in the city compared to the suburbs, which adversely affects the ecological situation. The use of thermal imagery allows to detect the tendency of increasing temperatures with increasing sealing, but does not allow to characterize quantitatively the relationship.Key words: sealing of area, surface temperature, heat island, anthropogenic impact, thermal image.
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About this article
Authors: Ermakova E.V., Martynenko I.A.
Year: 2011
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |