Mustafina D.R. THE DETERMINATION OF THE QUALITATIVE PAIRED CONDITIONALITIES OF THE POLLUTION OF THE ATMOSPHERE BY SUBDIVISIONS OF NOSTA For determining all forms of the conditionalities of the pollution of the atmosphere by subdivisions of NOSTA the matrix of experiment was built. For determining the qualitative paired conditionalities the correlation analysis on all parameters of a study was realized. According to correlation analysis with the values of the coefficient of pair correlation on the modules large 0,75 we obtained the strong linear connection between two parameters of a study. With the values of the coefficient of pair correlation on the modules greater 0,5 and less than 0,75 — average linear connection between two parameters of a study. And with the values of the coefficient of pair correlation on the modules of less than 0,5 — weak linear connection between two parameters of a study.Key words: correlation analysis, the parameter of a study, correlation coefficient, pair correlation.
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About this article
Authors: Kolesnik A.N., Mustafina D.R.
Year: 2010
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |