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2010, № 3

Kutuzov V.I. ONCE AGAIN ABOUT MODERNISATION OF THE JURIDICAL EDUCATION In article questions of modernisation legal are considered about-razovanija, the is standard-legal basis and sformu-lirovany specific proposals is analysed.Key words: Educational process in jurisprudence, information-mathematical preparation of law students, juridical education modernization.


1. Kutuzov, V.I. About necessity of legal education’s informatization/ V.I. Kutuzov // Legal education and science.-Moskva.-2001. — №1.

2. Kutuzov, V.I. Some aspects of high legal education’s improvement/ V.I. Kutuzov // Legal education and science. — Moskva.-2001.– №2.

3. Kutuzov, V.I. About some directions of high legal education’s improvement / V.I. Kutuzov, I.A. Kulantaeva, T.N.Tarasova// Col. of mater. Mezhregional NPK "Legal education on the border of the ages: traditions and innovations — Ekaterinburg.– URGYUA.– 2002.

4. Kutuzov, V.I., Interdepartmental program’s informational aspects of the high legal education’s improvement / V.I. Kutuzov, Yu.B. Ivanov // Materials of Regional conference "Modern information technologies in science, education and practice".– Orenburg.– 2003.

5. Kutuzov, V.I. About some problems of legal education’s development in Orenburg region / V.I. Kutuzov // Vrstnik OGU.– 2004.

6. Kutuzov, V.I. To the question of the development of one of the prior directions of the legal education’s improvement’s necessity / V.I. Kutuzov // Information law. — Moscow. — 2005. — №2.

7. Kutuzov, V.I. The Aspects of formation the legal education’s information-technological component/ V.I. Kutuzov, I.A. Kulantaeva, T.N.Tarasova // Materials of All-Russian NPK "Challenge to the XXI-st century and education ".– Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU.– 2006.

8. Kutuzov, V. To the question of types of activity’s extension on informational society’s development on IKT basis’ necessity / V. Kutuzov, M. Herberger, V. Muschinina // Informational law. — 2008. — №2.

9. Kutuzov, V.I., To the question of formation the legal education’s information-technological component as the base of increasing its quality / V.I. Kutuzov, I.A. Kulantaeva, T.N.Tarasova // Materials of All-Russian SPC "Integration of science and education as condition of specialists’ quality preparation’s increasing.– Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU.– 2008.

10. Kutuzov V.I. About some problem of the legal education in the conditions of higher education’s reformation / V.I. Kutuzov / Regional portal of Orenburg educational community in column "Scientifically-pedagogical activity / Scientific materials / Articles".-2009.

11. Chakak, L.A. Legal and informational culture in conditions of Russia’s renovation / L.A.CHAKAK, V.I. Kutuzov // Col. of scientific works "Constitutional legal regulation of the public relations: Theory and practice on modern stage — Orenburg.– GOU OGU.– 2005.

12. Kutuzov, V.I. About some possibilities of the problem of the youth legal nihilism’s reduction’s decision / V.I. Kutuzov, I.A. Kulantaeva, T.N.Tarasova / Scientific notes (ed. 6) -Orenburg: — IPK GOU OGU.– 2009.

13. Kutuzov, V.I. About some particularities of lawyers’ informational mathematical preparation at university / V.I. Kutuzov, I.A. Kulantaeva, T.N.Tarasova // Regional STC "New universities: informational technology’s role in formation of humanitarian education" / Plenary report. — CHELYABINSK.-YUURGU. — 2004.

14. Kulantaeva, I.A. Forming students’ informational competence / thesis (s. adv. Kutuzov V.I.), Dis. C. D 212.181.01. — Orenburg: OGU.-2004.

15. Tarasova, T.N. The Optimization of lawyers’ mathematical preparation in conditions of High school (University) / thesis (s. adv. Kutuzov V.I.), Dis. C. D 212.181.01.– Orenburg: OGU.-2004.

16. Kutuzov, V. About some aspects of international cooperation in the sphere of the legal informatics / V. Kutuzov, M. Herberger // "Man and society". The Materials of international SPC Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU. — 2001.

17. Kutuzov, V. About possibilities of integrated scientifically-educational structure "Russian-german forum on law and informatics’ "creation / V. Kutuzov, M. Herberger // Materials of All-Russian SPC FORUM "INNOVATIONS -2002" — "Actual problems of personnel preparing for development of Orenburg economy". Orenburg: OGU.-2002.

18. Herberger, M. Offer of entering the new item "E-law" in action plan of worldwide summit on the problems of informational society in Tunisia (November, 2005) / V. Kutuzov, V. Muschinina, M. Herberger // Materials of All-Russian SPC (with international participation) "Modern IT in science, education and practice".– Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU. -2005.

19. Kutuzov, V.I. E-law — an Electronic law: addition to the Action Plan of the Worldwide summit on the problems of informational society / V. Kutuzov, M. Herberger, V. Muschinina // Materials of All-Russian SPC "Challenge to the XXI century and education".– Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU.-2006.

20. Kutuzov, V. About some particularities of the Russian legal education’s integration into the international educational area / V. Kutuzov, M. Herberger // Materials of the V-th International SMC "Vocational training: problems, searches, decisions". — Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU.-2007.

21. Kutuzov, V. About some possibilities of Russian legal education’s integration into international educational space / V. Kutuzov, M. Herberger // Materials of International SPC "New information technologies in education — NITO-2008".– Ekaterinburg: RGPPU.-2008.

22. Kutuzov, V.I. The Bolon process and High school’s reform / V.I. Kutuzov // Col. of materials of International SPC.– Ekaterinburg: URAGS.– 2008.

23. Kutuzov, V.I. About some practical problems of entering into Bolon process / V.I. Kutuzov // Materials of International SPC "New information technologies in education — NITO-2009". — Ekaterinburg: RGPPU.-2009.

24. Kutuzov, V.I. Bolon process and Russian education / V.I. Kutuzov // All-Russian SPC "Several profiled university as regional centre of the formation and sciences" col. of materials. — 2009.

25. RG. — Federal issue №4921, May 29, 2009

26. Kutuzov, V.I. About correction’s necessity of the state educational standard on speciality "Jurisprudence" / V.I. Kutuzov // Works’ collection of the IV-th International SPC "Actual problems of management and market". — Orenburg: OGU. — 1999.

27. Grib, V.V. Does Russia even need the lawyers? / V.V Grib, V.I. Kutuzov // Legal education and science. — Moscow. — 2008. — №3;

28. Grib, V.V. Does Russia even need the lawyers? / V.V Grib, V.I. Kutuzov // Legal World. — Moscow. — 2008. — №10

29. Grib, V.V. Does Russia even need the lawyers?/ V.V Grib, V.I. Kutuzov // Man and Law.– Moscow.-2008.– №11.

30. Kutuzov, V.I. About directions of the legal education’s improvement in RF / V.I. Kutuzov, V.V Grib // Legal education and science. — Moscow. — 2003. — №2.

31. Kutuzov, V.I. Highlighting and development’s necessity of one of the prior directions of legal education’s of the improvement in RF / V.I. Kutuzov, V.V. Grib, V.V.// International col. of scientific works "Russian and Kazakh legal systems’ formation" — Karaganda.– 2003.

32. Kutuzov, V.I. To the question of the legal education’ modernizations / V.I. Kutuzov // Materials of All-Russian scientifically-practical conference "education’s Innovational technologies in High school". — Sochi. — 2009.

33. Kutuzov, V.I., Grib V.V. New trend of legal education’s modernizations / V.I. Kutuzov, V.V. Grib // Legal education and science. — Moscow. — 2010. — №1.

34. Kutuzov, V.I. Legal problems of electronic documental processing’s development / V.I. Kutuzov // Materials’ col. of All-Russian SPC (with international participation) "Modern information technologies in science, education and practice.– Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU.– 2005.

35. Kutuzov, V.I. Die russische normaniv-rechtliche basis des elektronischen dokumentenumlaufes / V.I. Kutuzov // International conference’s report "Kommunikation in der Rechtspflege", Saarbryukken (Germany). — 2005.

36. Kutuzov V.I. The Paperwork/document processing in digital epoch: organizing-legal aspects / V.I. Kutuzov, O.M. Masyuto / Monograph. — M.: — IG Yurist.– 2007.

37. Kutuzov, V.I. The Electronic presentations as a mean of showing state authorities organs’ activity / V.I. Kutuzov, O.M. Masyuto / Textbook.– Ekaterinburg: URAGS.– 2008.

38. Kutuzov, V.I. Particularities of work’ organization with people’s addressing to the organs of power and control authorities / V.I. Kutuzov, O.M. Masyuto / Textbook.– Ekaterinburg: URAGS.

39. Kutuzov, V.I. Organization of documentary providing of control on the base of new informational technologies / V.I. Kutuzov, O.M. Masyuto / Textbook.– Ekaterinburg: URAGS.– 2008.

40. Kutuzov, V.I. The Electronic paperwork / V.I. Kutuzov / Textbook (with DME stamp). — Moscow: IG YUrist.-2008.

41. Kutuzov, V.I. Electronic paperwork / V.I. Kutuzov / Textbook (with DME stamp) (the. 2-d ed. Cor. and add.).– M.: IG Yurist. — 2009.

42. RF Government Resolution on June 15, 2009 №477 "About approving the Paperwork Rules in federal organs of executive authorities" // RG. — Federal issue №113 on June 29, 2009.

About this article

Author: Kutuzov V.I.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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