N. E. Bannova ANTHROPOLOGICAL DETERMINISM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONCEPTIONAL AND HISTORICAL LINEAR PARADIGM INSOLVENCY OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM EVOLUTION The third article which, as wellas two previous ones, is devoted to the influence of the anthropological determinism on results of the social economic system evolution control. Within the concepts of sinergetics this analysis is defined as the analysis of the microlevel fluctuations on the macro level evolution tendencies. The author stresses the topicality of the sinergetic appoach to the eleboration of the subject-priented paradigm of the social economic system evolution control, which lets to give an adequate conrol limits evaluation when solving the dilemma paternalizm - sovereignty.
About this article
Author: Bannova N.E.
Year: 2001
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |