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Декабрь 2016, № 12

УДК: 631.43Mady A.Y., Shein E.V. MODELING SOIL THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY AS A FUNCTION OF SOIL MOISTURESoil thermal parameters are playing an important role in soil heat transfer. Mathematical models and Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are considered the modern soil physics. Thermal diffusivity is an important parameter of the soil thermal properties, used to study the soil heat flow. Recently, PTFs are widely used to forecast thermal properties. The aim of the work is to ascertain the relation between thermal diffusivity and soil moisture by a model. The relationship between thermal diffusivity and soil moisture by is described by a quadratic equation, and then determined the parameters of this equation using PTFs. The determination coefficient (R2), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Willams-Kloot test exhibited that the proposed PTF of the quadratic equation is better than Arkhangelskaya (2004) model for predicting soil thermal diffusivity as a function of soil physical properties.Ключевые слова: soil physical properties, thermal parameters, Soil moisture, pedotransfer functions (PTFs), mathematical models.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Arkhangel'skaya T.A. Parametrization and mathematical modeling dependence of termodiffusivity from soil moisture. Pochvovedenie. 2009. № 2. С. 178–188. [in Russian].

2. Bouma, J. Using soil survey data for quantitative land evaluation. Advances in Soil Science.1989. Vol 9. Pp. 177–213.

3. Chung J., R.Horton . Soil heat and water flow with a partial surface mulch. Water Resour. Res. 1987. Vol.23. Pp. 2175-2186.

4. Shein, E.V., A.Y. Mady. Soil Thermal Parameters Assessment by Direct Method and Mathematical Models. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management. 2016.7 (10):166-172.

5. Theories and Methods of Soil Physics. 2007. Shein, E. V. and L.O. Karpachevskyi (Eds.) Izd. Grif i K, Moscow [in Russian].

6. Tikhonravova, P.I. and N. B. Khitrov (2003). Estimation of Thermal Conductivity in Vertisols of the Central Ciscaucasus Region.” Pochvovedenie, 2003. No. 3, 342–351.

О статье

Авторы: Shеin Е.V., Маdу А.Y.

Год: 2016

Главный редактор
Сергей Александрович

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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