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2013, № 9 (158)

УДК: 621.039Krar M.E., Badawi M.S., El-Khatib A.M. USING THE EFFICIENCY TRANSFER METHOD TO CALCULATE THE (FEPE) FOR COMBINATION OF TWO G-DETECTORS BY USING RADIOACTIVE PARALLELEPIPED SOURCES The full energy peak efficiency (FEPE) of two g-detectors by using radioactive parallelepiped sources is computed using a new analytical approach. The approach based on the efficiency transfer method (ET), the effective solid angles and explains the effect of self– absorptions of the source matrix, the attenuation by the source container and the detector housing materials on the detector efficiency. The experimental calibration process was done using radioactive parallelepiped sources containing aqueous 152Eu radionuclide which produces photons with a wide range of energies from 121 up to 1408 keV. The comparison shows a good agreement between the measured and calculated efficiencies for the detector using parallelepiped sources.Ключевые слова: Efficiency Transfer Method (ET), Effective Solid Angle, Full Energy Peak Efficiency (FEPE), Self-Absorptions, Combination of g-Detectors and Radioactive Parallelepiped Sources.

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О статье

Авторы: Bаdаwi М.S., El-Кhаtib А.М., Krаr М.Е.

Год: 2013

Главный редактор
Сергей Александрович

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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