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![]() Abstracts N8(18)HUMANITIES SCIENCESKsenofontova A.N. THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH ACTIVITY PEDAGOGIC FORMATION This article reveals the experience of specialists in the sphere of pedagogic formation. The author analyses organizational conditions of pedagogic formation. The author analyses organizational conditions of pedagogic formation, states criteria, discusses the methods of pedagogic formation. [файл.pdf] Yurtayev S.V. MAKING THE INTEGRITY OF THE TEXT IN THE WRITTEN PRACTICE OF PUPILS Some results of pedagogical experiment, carried out for the purpose of tracing the tendencies of forming a text in the written practice of pupils are stated in this article. The author's understanding of one his category, his point of view on its studying, the principles of receiving of research material, the grammar indexes of this category in paradigmatic relation and diacronical are characterized here. [файл.pdf] Abakumova I.V. BASIC CONCEPTION OF CLASSICAL DIDACTICS IN THE CONTENT OF SEMANTIC THEORY In this article we tried to interpret the main ideas of the classic theory of teaching: the aims of teaching, the principles of teaching, the content and the forms of teaching - according to the modern general psychological conceptions about the peculiarities of the development of the semantic formations in the process of the ontogenesis. Filling with new content the traditional categories is the logical stage in working out the problem which is called "The dynamics and the mechanisms of the semantic formation in the teaching process". [файл.pdf] Kling V.I. SPECIFICS OF PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTION BETWEEN THE TEACHER AND STUDENTS IN LIGUISTIC ENVIRONMENT This paper discusses the problems of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students in the process of communicative pragmatic activity. Subject-subjective relations as an independent form of students activity is being analyzed. The contents of collaboration from the point of view of the development communicative skills in the process of text and dialogue discussion is being presented. [файл.pdf] Kostryukov A.V. RESEARCH PROBLEMS OF STRUCTURE-FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF PREUNIVERSITY EDUCATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT The article reveals the system of functions for elaboration of preuniversity education management-conception. [файл.pdf] Loshkaryov M.F. THE MAIN POINTS OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN THE RURAL AREA The article reveals the concepts "management", "School developmental management"; principles of developmental management; peculiarities of rural area; the role of a teacher in the development of municipal education. The author defines management component of municipal education development, stages of developmental management. The paper shows the main points of developmental management for municipal education of rural schools. [файл.pdf] Makarov S.I. THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINES SUBJECT SELECTION Martinova E.A. ACCESS OF THE HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: FORMS AND METHODS Pichshulin V.G. THE USAGE OF THE SINERGETIC APPROACH TO THE CERTAIN AIMS OF THE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION In the well-known UNESCO report "Education: Covering treasure" the educational aims of the world community on the nearest 10 years are formed on the following way: the human being shall learn: to cognize or to own the instruments which are needed for the world understanding; to act in Such a way that to produce the useful changes in the environment; to live in the society taking part in all kinds of the human activity, cooperating with the others. [файл.pdf] Barinova E.P. THE EVOLUTION OF THE SOCIAL POLITICAL VIEWS OF THE RUSSIAN GENTRY IN THE BEGINNING OF THE 2OTH CENTURY Khisamutdinova R.R. ANTIPEASANT'S ESSENCE OF THE PRESIDIUM SUPREME SOVIET USSR DECREE FROM THE 2D OF JUNE 1948 AND ITS REALIZATION ON THE URAL The aim, essence, main content and methods of the antipeasant's Presidium Supreme Soviet USSR decree from the 2d of June 1948 and its realization on the Ural are examined in the article. The practice of the carried out decree on the places and its results are shown here. The total data about the quantity of the repressive peasants on the Ural are given also in the article. [файл.pdf] Ploskonosova V.P. THE RULING ELITE OF THE TSAR RUSSIA AND THE ALTERNATIVE PROBLEMS OF THE SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT Kuzmin V.U. THE CHARITY AND DISTRICT MEDICINE Thus, if at the period of liberal reforms single facts of welfare activity in the field of Zemstro medicine were brought to light, and under conditions of emergency, and especially at the time of war it became a mass social phenomenon. [файл.pdf] Tachsheva A.L. THE INTERRELATION OF THE CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY The article deals with the definitions of such categories as "interrelation", "family relations", "sublinged relations". The main determinisms of the children interrelation in the family are analyzed: their guantity, the order of birth, the single moment birth for the multifetal pregnancy; social psychological peculiarity of the twins's contact, the importance of the sublinged position in the life of adult, the possible reasons of destructions (brother-sister's relations in the family) are enumerated in the article. [файл.pdf] Prokopeva E.V. THE PROFESSIONAL SELF-CONCEPT OF THE PSYCHOLOGIST The summary: the article deals with the sights of the author on the contents and structure of the professional self-concept as sets of representations of the subject about themselves in the various relations to spheres of his life expressed in that he is able, wants, thinks or feels; with the results of empirical research of the characteristics of the professional self-concept of the psychologists in connection with features of them personalities, stages of professional development, adaptation in a profession and its change; with the opportunities of use of the received results in individual and business - consultation. [файл.pdf] Korobkov U.D. THE MODERN INTERPRETATION OF THE MENTALITY: THE PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Vorontsov D.V. THE MODERN WAYS TO DEFINE THE TERM OF "GENTER" IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY The article describes three paradigms the social psychology used to define the term of gender: classical, modernist and post-modernist. The classical paradigm is based on the bio-evolutionist concept of sexuality. The modernist one divide the sexuality into sex as a biological fact and gender as the subjective, socially and culturally determined knowledge of sex. The post-modern paradigm states sex and gender as a two different ways of social constructing of sexuality within the interpersonal communications. [файл.pdf] Kasarina V.I. SPECIALIZED STRUCTURED SCHEME "WHO (DOES NOT) FEEL (S) LIKE DOING SOMETHING": CONSTRUCTING AND REALIZATION The scheme "who (does not) feel (s) like doing something: constructing and realization" is presented as a sing syntax concept "state". The level of efficiency in speech realization, labeling constitutive sings of state by components of the scheme define its location in the centre of syntax field "state". Attention is accented on lexical filling the components of this scheme, its abilities to different types of modification and enrichment the typical meaning (proposition) of utterances which basic construction is represented by the scheme in guestion. [файл.pdf] Baturin V.S. NATURE AND ESSENCE OF LAW RELATIONS IN THE ACTIVITY APPROACH CONTEXT Gorokhov P.A. GOETHE AND THE GERMAN CLASSICAL PHILOSOPHY The article is dedicated to the historico-philosophical comparison of views by the great poet and thinker and outstanding representatives of the German philosophical classics. The author comes to the conclusion that the German philosophical classics were influenced by powerful pulses of Goethe's outlook, swaying, in turn, on Goethe's scientific and poetic creativity. Developed by Goethe concept of efficiency has become the basic idea of his world view, in certain respects it surpasses abstractions of "pure reason", advanced by Kant and Fichte, for this concept concerns not only an ideological sphere, but all major kinds of human life. [файл.pdf] Zubova L.V. THE BASIS OF CRITERIA SYSTEM, ASSISTING TO THE LEVEL-DEFINITION OF THE PERSON'S VALUABLE ORIENTATIONS The analysis made on the view-points of the philosophers, sociologists and psychologists on the problems of the valuable orientations showed that there is a certain readiness among the explorers of this problem to consider a person's valuable relation to the reality, the valuable orientations of people as the highest level in the hierarchy of men's intentions, needs and interests. It means, that there are certain arrangement for every man to lean on during his life, the highest of them arevalues or valuable orientations. [файл.pdf] Markova T.N. ABOUT SOME SIDES OF DEVELOPMENT NARRATIVE IN FICTION OF LATE 20-th CENTURY The author characterizes the relation between a narrative and modern artistic consciousness. Narrative as particular form of literature serves reliable instrument on the stylish analysis of modern novels. The researcher's attention is concentrated on the analisis of structural and semantic elements inherent in a narrative. The actualization of latter reveals new meanings in the novels of late 20-th century. [файл.pdf] NATURAL SCIENCESDudjev V.P. THE PROBLEMS OF THE PSYCHOMOTORIC INADEQUACY EXPLORATION IN THE SYSTEMATIC BREACHES OF SPEECH Kozlov V.I. THE SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE IS THE MAIN FACTOR OF THE HEALTH-FORMATION IN THE ORGANIZED GROUPS Krasnova L.I., Abdrashitova R.T., Bazarov M.K., Vladskaya I.V. CORRELATIVELY-REGRESSIVE DEPENDENCE OF THE PLANT'S GRAIN PRODUCTIVITY, MORPHOPHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNS OF AN ADAPTIVE MEANING AND A SPIKE ECONOMICS SCIENCESAbdrashitov R.T., Raimova A.T. INFORMATION AND LAW ASPECTS OF REGION MANAGEMENT (PROBLEM STATEMENT) The problems of regional society development management on the law basis are analysed; information and law aspects draw up of region management, as an opened system strategy are given; regional management law methods of informatization approaches are considered in the article. [файл.pdf] Aralbayeva F.Z., Karabanova O.G., Krutalevich M.G., Midyuk O.N. PRINCIPAL TENDENCIES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IMPROVEMENT The article considers reasons restraining local government development, local government legal securing shortcomings and principal tendencies of local government improvement. [файл.pdf] Portnikov B.A., Sultanov N.Z. SYSTEMATIC AND SITUATIONAL MODELLING OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL UNITS Carrying out of location technical-economic investigations and experiments over social-economic and industrial units is impossible, therefore unit effectivity investigation with the help of economic-mathematical models is the only method of thorough investigation. Systematic and situational modelling principles for management of processes at the air-enterprise are substantiated in this article. [файл.pdf] | ![]() |
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