Contents N4(29)


Gorohov P.A. Michael Bulgakov's historical fantasy. Experience of philosophic reading. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Lubichankovsky S.V. Methodological regulations of historic- geographical analysis. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Kovalenko V.V. Influence of international factor on relationship of the Soviet State to Russian Orthodox Church during The Great Patriotic war. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

ZavyalovÁ E.E. Esthetic views K.R. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Gorst N.A. Problem of individuality and psycho - physiological diagnostics of temperament's properties. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Kamaletdinova A.YA. Possibilities of axiological approach in designing of economical grounding of youth. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Solovyov G.E. Conception of self - determination of individual. Biographical approach. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Stashkevich I.R. Theoretical aspects of development of educational independence of military universities students of computer accompaniment of study. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Pankov T.A. System of school education as educational polysphere. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]


Aleshin A.N. State regulation of relationship in the sphere of resource usage, legal aspect of the direction of perfection. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Kalugin V.A. Multicriterion appreciation of investment projects. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Mingaleva Zh.A. Peculiarities of regional models of development. In conditions of structural transformation of economic. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Filimonova N.M. Regional Aspects of small business development. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Demin I.S. Problems of hypertext spheres development. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Maltcev A.A. Formation of a single informational basis of bookkeeping account in the system of financial supplying with structures of budget sphere. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]


Rychko O.K., Chepasov V.I., Kolesnikov A.N. Algorithm of minimization of the quantity of parameters of research in geo ecology. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Garipova R.F., Kaliev A.Zh. Biotesting of the water extraction of soil, which received wastes of Orenburg gas - chemical complex. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Gatckov V.G. About the formation of monitoring system on being built oil - and - gas territories of Orenburg. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Zakutanova V.I. Lichens in ecological monitoring of Astrakhan region. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Stroeva E.V., Strypkov A.V., Kiakpaev M.A. Research of kinetics of iodine's sorption out of grouts by the method of breaking. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Almetkina L.A., Fedorchenko V.I., Gonchrenko N.A. The research of brown coal of Tulgansk's coal - field as the source of chemical raw materials. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Bahtiyrov R.Z., Zabirov M.R. Essential Hypertension of heart and endothelium dysfunction. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Ivanov K.M., Abdulgazizov N.A. Clinicohemodynamic peculiarities of cardiac insufficiency of patients, who had suffered tubercular pericarditis. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Kucherenko M.G., Ignatiev A.A., Zholud A.A. Luminescence of organic molecule, connected with polymeric chains in grouts: kinetics of transfer of energy to quenchers and quantum yield of fluorescence, directed by conformational transition. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Kuznetcov V.A. Barrier electric ozonizer with revolving magnetic field. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]


Malyshkina V.A., Zinuhinz G.B., Pishchuhin A.M., Popov V.P. Analysis of the process of drying of macaroni goods in infra - red dryer. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Abdrafikov R.N., Polishchuk V.U. To the definition of rheological qualities of mixed fodder in the process of its extrusion. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Nguen H.L., Sagitov R.F., Polishchuk V.U. Designing of flaw of material of high tenacity for researching of its qualities at high speeds of shift. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Norkin S.P., Sokolov V.S. Definition of forces in glue line of jointing of overlapped sheet material. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Spurre F.A., Spurre A.F., Kushnarenko V.M. Distiller with thermocompressor. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Vitvitcky E.E. Classification of transport - assembled motor and tractor systems of goods' delivery to small wholesalers. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]

Mochalin S.M. Methods of calculation of necessity of transport means in motor and tractor systems of goods' delivery. [ÆÁÊÌ.pdf]